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About Module 1

The journey begins!
5 June 2023

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Seven Universal Principles

In this module we will learn the theoretical foundation required to understand life and its significance, from the smallest particle through all living things, to the entire universe.
The unifying theory covered by Module 1 unifies the world of conventional medicine with the world of alternative medicine, the scientific world with the spiritual world, to form one theory comprised of only seven principles.

Through the seven universal rules, nearly all phenomena in the universe can be explained (including those unexplained by science), thus unifying conventional medicine with alternative medicine.

However, learning the principles is not intended solely for the purpose of acquiring theoretical knowledge

. Once we understand the set of rules that drive the universe, the connections,

ways and balances that connect the entire manifestation of our reality to form perfect harmony… something in us changes! The mind begins to relate to and process the manifestation of reality in a different way. This process is called expanding consciousness.

Seven principles may not seem like much, but not all are easy to understand, and each principle is extremely profound. Substantiating the unified integrative theory requires the use of terms from the worlds of physics, chemistry and biology, and of course, mathematical proof. But this is no cause for concern! Dr. Nader has already taught thousands , and what renders him unique above all is his way of making complex issues accessible and easily comprehensible.

Who is the course suitable for?

The entire modules track (and Module 1 in particular) is intended for those who find themselves the realm of body-mind-soul and/or are attracted to it, and seek to expand their awareness and achieve a more in-depth understanding of life.

If you desire to find your calling in life, to understand the reasons behind emotional difficulties and illnesses, and to learn how you can help yourself and others attain physical, mental and spiritual health – this course if for you!

This track is suitable for those who are curious and skeptical,

for researchers of the mind and sciences, for those who have been on the path of consciousness for some time (or wish to change a paradigm in their lives), and of course, for therapists (and medical professionals) who are interested in acquiring additional unique and groundbreaking tools to expand their professional toolbox.

Module 1 is the first step on your fascinating personal and spiritual development journey. It lays down the foundation for understanding the universe and reality, in order to further expand and deepen learning down the road.


Module 1 is comprised of 4 three-hour Zoom lessons.
The sessions will be held on the following dates and times (CET):

Session 1:

Introduction + Principle 1

Monday, 5 June. 2023, 18:00-21:00

Introduction to conventional and alternative medicine, the need to change the paradigm and the search for a unifying theory. The principle of uniformity, the source of cosmic energy, life, the universe and the seventh sense.

Session 2:

Principle 2 + Principle 3 + Principle 4

Monday, 12 June. 2023, 18:00-21:00

How energy is converted into substance, the divine proportion in nature and in man, the universal trinity in the universe (in atomic particles, in galaxies, and in the mind and soul), the magnetic poles, the source of male and female energy, the chakras and the meridians.

Session 3:

Principle 5 + Principle 6

Monday, 19 June. 2023, 18:00-21:00

The universal energetic model, the seven elements in nature, the four phases of life and their physical, mental and spiritual expression. Diagnosing illnesses and emotional crises according to the four phases of life.

Session 4:

Principle 7 + Conclusion

Monday, 26 June. 2023, 18:00-21:00

The universal code, the 11 code keys and the Kabbalistic spheres ladder, genetics and epigenetics, summary of the seven principles and their importance in life and in the world of therapy in particular.

* Personal study assignments will be given between the weekly sessions, to be carried out in each student’s free time (the assignments must be completed before the next session).

* At the end of the course, module graduates (who have successfully passed the final exam) receive a "Certificate of Participation – Module 1”.

* The final exam will take place after the course ends, digitally – using an educational software system, at each student’s convenience (up until two weeks after the course ends).

The Cost of Module 1:

€ 550
  • Registration is conditional on the approval of the course terms and conditions
  • The number of participants is limited.
  • Please note: Acceptance is subject to receipt of email confirmation.
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of light


Study Format

The study track is divided into 7 modules, each of which focuses on a specific field of ​​knowledge, and imparts the body of knowledge required for the next module. In order to progress from one module to the next, they must be studied in the proper order (without skipping modules).

Modules 1-5 are taught digitally, via Zoom, by Dr. Nader himself. Each module is comprised of 4 three-hour lessons.

In these lessons, Dr. Nader teaches, presents and demonstrates the diverse aspects of Unified Integrative Medicine, from the philosophical facet, through the scientific facet to the mental, energetic and spiritual facet. All this, while transferring extensive knowhow, backed by scientific data, research studies, live demonstrations, and more.

The learning process via Zoom is supported by an advanced digital learning system, through which one can watch recordings of the lessons, access study material, execute assignments, take exams and ask the support team questions – covering both study content and technical issues.

Module 6 (which also includes the practical aspects of treatment techniques), combines digital learning via Zoom lessons (along with the learning system, of course), and frontal learning within the framework of a retreat comprising 3 full study days in Budapest, Hungery.

Module 7 is comprised of a frontal, experiential retreat of 7 days, including room and board. It covers learning about the spiritual world and practical experiences in spiritual rituals.

As in the case of all modules, Dr. Butto teaches modules 6+7 himself, assisted by a team of senor therapists.

Become a Certified Therapist

The unified integrative medicine study track developed by Dr. Nader Butto is professionally supported and delivered by Dr. Butto himself, and is the exclusive study program for learning and receiving a certification in unified integrative medicine.

The study track is comprised of 7 modules + a practical certification track. It imparts to students the full spectrum of the training program, covering theory and practice, necessary to train them as integrative therapists in the method.

The practical certification track is a training period of approximately six months. It includes practical exercises and the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge in fields such as psychosomatics, the Human Code, energetic and physical pathology, the patient-therapist relationship, professional ethics and more. The track is delivered in hybrid format – Zoom lessons, concentrated in-person retreats (in several locations around the world, depending on the language), and is supported by certified professional mentors.

The track advocates a way of learning and way of life that are based on love, giving, meaning and health. All this, while encouraging (and challenging) students to expand their self-awareness in their development journey and destiny.

After completing the practical training program and the internship, and after successfully passing the theoretical and practical exams, students are officially certified to practice unified integrative medicine.


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