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    Dr. Nader Butto

    Dr. Nader Butto is an internationally renowned cardiologist, who has conceptualized, created and developed the unified integrative medicine method. While still studying for his medical degree, and being inquisitive by nature, Dr. Butto expressed interest in phenomena that are unexplained in conventional medicine and science, and began searching for answers in the spiritual world, in Eastern philosophies and in various alternative therapy methods.

    As a cardiologist, he worked as a senior catheterist for thirty years in one of Israel’s leading hospitals, while also expanding his knowledge and research into a variety of holistic fields, including studying the mind, physics (and in particular, quantum physics),

    mathematics, chemistry, shamanism and more – while consolidating an innovative, integrative and unifying approach to medicine.

    Dr. Butto is presently an internationally esteemed therapist, conceives natural, effective and proven diagnostic and treatment methods, researches and publishes scientific studies (as well as books), and personifies a life of health, light and giving, as he continues to pursue his life mission. He is fluent in a number of languages (English, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian and Spanish), manages an innovative, internationally unique therapy center (which he has established in Israel), and teaches his doctrine around the world to tens of thousands of people.

    Unified Integrative Medicine –
    The Medicine of the Future

    Unified integrative medicine, developed by Dr. Nader Butto over a period of more than 25 years, has become a life approach. It can also be referred to as the medicine of the future, as it fully integrates (both holistically and scientifically) conventional medicine and alternative medicine – blending science with spiritualism, and the three human dimensions – the physical body, the mind and soul (or in other words, the biological, energetic, conscious and spiritual planes).

    The method combines tools from the worlds of science and spiritualism, leaving no physical, spiritual and mental phenomenon unexplained.

    To date, hundreds of therapists have been trained to practice Dr. Butto’s method. In some countries, it is already being integrated into institutional therapy programs (for treating cancer, fibromyalgia and cardiac patients, among others), and is gaining official recognition from the medical establishment.

    According to the unified integrative medicine approach, everyone can live a healthy life and fully enjoy wellbeing, as well as recover from any illness, while continuously developing as they face life’s challenges. This approach regards the illness as a “symptom”, rooted in an emotional crisis. Liberating oneself from this crisis, within the framework of one’s spiritual development journey, is the path to recovery.

    Where Spirituality
    & Science meet

    As a physician embedded in the realm of science, Dr. Nader sought to study the universal foundation behind physical, mental and spiritual phenomena for which no adequate explanation has thus far been found, through the use of scientific languages that enable comprehension and proof, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

    In his research, he has identified seven universal rules through which one can comprehend the contexts between the different human planes – between body and soul, between soul and consciousness, and between consciousness and spirituality.

    The Human Code doctrine, which Dr. Butto developed more than 15 years ago (and which is covered in his book The Human Code), lays out his highly effective diagnostic approach in a captivating and innovative manner, which is useful for diagnosing any person in their essential context – both mentally and spiritually.

    During the course of his career, Dr. Nader Butto has published more than eighteen ground-breaking peer-reviewed articles in physics, through which he presents and, step by step, substantiates the fundamentals of his doctrine before the scientific community.

    Happiness is a sign.
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    Your Life

    Dr. Nader Butto’s training program is comprised of five modules, which each module focusing on a different field of study. This program is first and foremost a path to personal, mental and spiritual development, and integrates diagnostic and self-healing practices developed by Dr. Butto. Graduates of this program can then continue to a therapy certification program, intended for those interested in providing therapy professionally and making a living treating others.

    Integrative Life Approach –

    Essentially, unified integrative medicine is a life approach anchored in the belief that health is a state of complete wellbeing in all areas of our lives. It embodies the need of each and every one of us to express ourselves, realize our souls’ mission and contribute to the world. This life

    approach is in fact preventive medicine, which is comprised of a comprehensive toolbox, and whose goal is to support us throughout our life journey.

    The comprehension that all the planes of reality are intertwined, affect each other and operate based on a shared universal set of rules – both material and spiritual – leaves one unable to remain indifferent. It expands the consciousness, helps us rid ourselves of superstitions, refine imprecise perceptions, and above all – understand how our experiences and life challenges are meant to help us in our spiritual development journey, and how we can best benefit ourselves (and the world), if only we take personal responsibility and accept our developmental journey with love.

    Fulfilling Your Destiny

    If being a therapist is your inner calling – this program is for you!

    Over the years, Dr. Nader has trained and certified hundreds of therapists in unified integrative medicine from all over the world. As his method is exceptionally effective, the demand for certified therapists is continuously increasing; therefore, we have developed parallel training programs in different languages.

    The therapist training program is the direct continuation of the study of the five modules. It not only trains and certifies, but is also a profound and personally developing experience, a professional support framework, a warm community, a way to attain a life of health and wellbeing.

    The ten-month program includes practical exercises and instills more in-depth professional knowhow in areas such as physiology-anatomy, psychosomatics, energetic and physical pathology, professional ethics and more. It is delivered as a combination of lessons via Zoom, concentrated in-person retreats (in several locations around the globe, depending on the language), and is professionally supported by certified mentors. The purpose of all this is to produce first-rate therapists!

    After completing the training program and the internship, graduates receive an official certification document to practice unified integrative medicine.
